July Birthstone: Ruby

Ruby is the red variety of the mineral Corundum, of which Sapphire is also a variety. Corundum is the second hardest mineral next to Diamond (#9 on the Mohs scale, Diamond is #10 on the Mohs scale). The Latin word for Ruby is Ruber, meaning lord of the gems.

In ancient times, the wearer of Ruby was blessed with health, wealth and wisdom, and outstanding success in affairs of the heart.

Rubies bearing the most prized color - a color known as “Pigeon blood red”, are frequently encountered in Burma. Ancient Burmese warriors believed that Ruby had the power to bestow invulnerability, whereas the stone was inserted in an intentional wound in the flesh.

Many other rubies are found in Thailand, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and parts of Africa. Not all famous ‘Rubies’ are actually Rubies. The famous “Black Prince Ruby”, in Britain’s Crown Jewels, is actually a red Spinel.

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of The Wizard of Oz, Harry Winston created real ruby slippers set with 4,600 rubies. - Courtesy Harry Winston (see photo)