Robin Goebel
Family is a strong and vital part of my life, the connection between my art and relationships is reflected in the shapes I prefer to work with and in my appreciation of both the hidden and obvious qualities in the natural materials that I enjoy using.
I spent many years with my family going on camping trips to remote parts of Western Australia fossiling for semi-precious gems and minerals, and finding much more - pieces of history- imperfect and time-worn, some with rough edges and corroded surfaces others with smooth, silky, rounded, put-it-in-your-pocket perfectness.
I create everyday heirlooms, pieces meant to be worn often, that you and the people close to you enjoy. Many have qualities that connect folks while celebrating their milestones and special occasions. Part of this wonderful process is choosing natural stones that are unique and guiding the process for the person who will wear them. The perfect piece of jewelry becomes part of you, an outward symbol of your connection to yourself, the world and those who love you.
Robin and her husband Ray live in Fairfax, California, raising their large family.