December Birthstones: Turquoise, Zircon

The name Turquoise is believed to originate from the French phrase “pierre turquoise” meaning “Turkish stone” because turquoise was brought to Europe by Venetian merchants who first acquired it in Turkish bazaars. 

Turquoise was considered among the most prized of all gemstones by early civilizations in Egypt, and was an important item in a list of tributes and gifts, sent by the Babylonians to Egyptian monarchs. It was believed to be a cure for melancholy and fever.  It has also long been considered a stone that guarantees health, good fortune, and protection from evil.  It is also considered by some as a love charm. When received as a gift, the turquoise symbolizes a pledge of affection.  In Russia, the turquoise is popularly used in wedding rings.

Turquoise has many variations in colors. The “robins egg blue” turquoise comes mainly from Persia, and is considered the most valuable.   Sometimes the stone is more greenish, and sometimes it will contain matrix from other minerals.

A significant amount of Turquoise comes from Nevada, California, and Arizona, and it is used often in a style of jewelry created by the American Indians. It is often used by Shamans in rituals and ceremonies.

ZIRCON comes in many colors - purple, red, orange, brown, green and yellow - and colorless, but the most prized color is light blue - it can look like a very brilliant Aquamarine, and it was a particular gem favorite in Victorian times. In the middle ages, this gem was thought to induce sound sleep, drive away evil spirits, and promote riches, honor, and wisdom.