Marin Open Studios First Timer!

HI everybody! Happy to be participating in Marin Open Studios for the first two weekends in May. Holing up in my workshop is great and all, but I really like interacting with customers and getting to know my Marin neighbors too.  

Just a little bit about my work: I'm a color girl, so it was inevitable that I gravitate toward enamels. Also, I love the burnt edges and that "70's" feel of a great pendant around the neck. On the other side of the coin, I'm a big fan of clean, bright sterling silver jewelry. You can't beat it with a tan!  Remember, summer is almost here.

As far as my background, hmm... I've been living in Marin for 15 years or so. Was a founding member of the one and only Marin Jewelers Guild. Took a boatload of jewelry design/metals classes at College of Marin. Before that, it was Jewelry at City College in SF. Then, way back, it was Michigan State University with a BA in Studio Art and Education.  

So, I hope to see you in May or sooner. Cheers!